Apr 10Liked by Leanne Ogasawara

I'm watching the series now! I don't usually watch sci-fi, I'm not a fan of the over-use of CGI, and the science often sounds really silly. So far I'm enjoying this one, but I'm not done yet...I remember being shocked at the terrible conclusion to Game of Thrones, it was SO bad...so I have to reserve judgment about anything these writers are involved in. I always like a diverse cast and non-English dialogue, so...so far so good?

And will have to watch that Kashimashi episode! I'm such a nerd, I started on their entire Hikaru Genji playlist!

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Apr 1Liked by Leanne Ogasawara

Thought-provoking--and scary: The aliens are right, our earth is a beautiful paradise. And Liu is correct that broadcasting our location is probably not the best idea… it would be like putting out an ad in a local newspaper with your address: “Beautiful home, doors not locked.”

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Mar 31Liked by Leanne Ogasawara

Definitely Exhibit B!

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Mar 31Liked by Leanne Ogasawara

I have not started watching the show fearing precisely that American-ization of storytelling that you pointed out. Sigh!

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31Liked by Leanne Ogasawara

I read the first Three Body novel and found it was interesting but ultimately was not my thing.

Exhibit B, please. I'm a hairy bastard and I like a snarky cowboy hat and fast cars. Admittedly, I like girls with black teeth and no eyebrows though.

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Mar 30·edited Mar 31Liked by Leanne Ogasawara

Oh, the hero's journey! The Netflix version lost you right there. These writers don't know how else to establish point(s) of view? Lol! And, Exhibit B, thank you.

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Hey Leanne,

I watched the series since i had not read the books. i will not go into its quality (average) and the dumbing down of ideas, but i have a bigger issue to raise — about the book and hence the series too.

Why do humans think they are the guardians of the earth? what if all the cats and the whales and real bugs or pests and the trees and fishes and the monkeys are told aliens are coming for their home? what will they do? will they understand or even care?

Will mankind even survive in the next 400 years because of climate change or nuclear war?

if i told a crowd on a loudspeaker in a town square in india (since we are a democracy) that aliens are coming in 400 years, will they care? why do we have this Anthropocene hubris that we, humans, will take care of earth? because we can’t. we don’t matter. nature will gobble us up. our hubris comes from collective action; and collective destruction.

A far more interesting book is Seveneves by Neal Stephenson (even though it also has the Anthropocene hubris).

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